
TalksOnLaw Advisors are legal, business, and strategic geniuses who help us shape our mission and strategy at TalksOnLaw. Some people say that free advice is worth what you pay for it - those people are wrong. TalksOnLaw advisors are invaluable and play an important role in our mission to make the law relevant and to make legal training enjoyable. A special thanks to each of the following:

Paul Haagen

Haagen is a professor of law and the associate dean for International Initiatives at Duke Law. He is also the co-director of the Center for Sports Law and Policy and a renowned scholar in contracts, arbitration, and sports law. He is a member of the American Law Institute and the Sports Law Reporter Advisory Board and frequently advises pro sports teams on legal issues.

Judge Andrew Napolitano

Napolitano is the Senior Judicial Analyst for Fox News. He sat on the Superior Court of New Jersey from 1987 to 1995 and was the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in New Jersey. Napolitano is the author of seven books on constitutional issues and lectures nationally on the rule of law and civil liberties.