CLE & MCLE Requirements by State

Alabama CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 1 hours

6 of the 12 credits must be at live Alabama State Bar approved programs.  A maximum of 12 credits, including 1 ethics credit, may be carried over to the next reporting period.

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  February 15 of the following year

Newly admitted attorneys requirements:

Contact Information:

Alabama State Bar
415 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104
(t) 334-269-1515
(f) 334-261-6310



Alaska CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  3 ethics hours per year. 9 additional hours in general CLE recommended.

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 3 Hours

A maximum of 3 ethics and 9 voluntary credits may be carried over to the next reporting period.

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  February 1 of the following year

Attendance Reporting: Attorneys report their credits online through their Alaska Bar member portal. 

Notes: Alaska attorneys may earn credit for attendance at CLE programs accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction.


Contact Information

Alaska Bar Association
510 L Street, Suite 602
Anchorage, AK 99501
(t) 907-272-7469
(f) 907-272-2932



Arizona CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Professional responsbility: 3 hours

Up to 13 credits, including 3 professional responsbility credits, may be carried over to the next period.

CLE Deadline:  June 30 of each year

Reporting Date:  September 15 of each year

Attendance Reporting:  Attorneys report their own credits through the Arizona CLE tracking page.

Notes:  The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit MCLE programs. Arizona attorneys must review the MCLE regulations and determine if a CLE program qualifies towards their requirements.


Contact Information:

State Bar of Arizona
4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 200 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016-6288 6266
(t) 602-252-4804
(f) 602-271-4930



Arkansas CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics or professionalism: 1 hour

A maximum of 12 credits, including 1 ethics credit, may be carried over to the next reporting period.

CLE Deadline:  June 30 of each year

Reporting Date:  July 31 of each year

Notes:  Effective March 7, 2019, Arkansas attorneys may fulfill their CLE requirements with on-demand programs.

Contact Information:

Arkansas CLE Board
2400 Justice Bldg
625 Marshall
Little Rock, AR 72201
(t) 501-374-1855
(f) 501-374-1853


California CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  25 credit hours every three years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 4 hours 
  • Competence Issues: 1 hours 
  • Recognition and Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Society: 2 hours. Of the two hours, at least one hour must focus on implicit bias and the promotion of bias reducing strategies.

CLE Deadline:  January 31 every three years

Reporting Date:  February 1 every three years

Compliance Groups:

  • Group 1, last names A-G
    • Compliance period: 2/1/22 - 1/31/25
    • Reporting deadline: 2/1/25
  • Group 2, last names H-M
    • Compliance period: 2/1/21 - 1/31/24
    • Reporting deadline: 2/1/24
  • Group 3, last names N-Z
    • Compliance period: 2/1/20-1/31/23
    • Reporting deadline: 2/1/23

Attendance Reporting:  Attorneys report their own credits through their State Bar profile, starting from two months before their deadline.

Notes:  At least half of the hours must be in “participatory” MCLE credit. No more than 12.5 hours can be for self study

Newly admitted attorneys requirements:


Contact Information:

Office of Certification
State Bar of California
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1639
(t) 888-800-3400




Colorado CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  45 credit hours every three years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 7 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every three years

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Attendance Reporting:  Attorneys must enter the information from their certificate of attendance into their affidavits available on the Colorado Supreme Court website, unless the activity takes place within Colorado.


Contact Information:

Colorado Supreme Court
Board of CLE
600 17th Street
Suite 520-S
Denver, CO 80202
(t) 303-928-7771



Connecticut CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours every year 

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours

A maximum of 2 credits may be carried over to the next reporting period.

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  December 31 of each year

Notes:  Attorneys may satisfy the CLE requirement by attending legal education courses provided by any organization whose program or course has been reviewed by any bar association or organization which has been established in any state or territory of the U.S. or D.C. to certify and approve continuing legal education courses; and any other non-profit or for-profit legal education providers, including courses remotely presented by video conference, webcasts, webinars, or the like by said providers. Attorneys must retain records to prove compliance for a period of seven years.


Contact Information:

Connecticut State Bar 
30 Bank Street 
New Britain, CT 06050 



Delaware CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  24 credit hours every 2 years

Specialty Requirements: 

  • Enhanced ethics: 4 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every other year

Reporting Date:  February 1 of the following year

Notes:  At least 12 of the hours must be earned by attending live, in-person CLE courses. Attorneys are limited to 12 credits of eCLE, 6 of which may be audio-only. A maximum of 20 credits may be carried over to the next reporting period, but not enhanced ethics credits may be carried over.

Contact Information:

Commission on CLE
200 W. 9th Street, Suite 300-B
Wilmington, DE 19802
(t) 302-577-7040



District Of Columbia CLE Requirements

Does not currently require MCLE.



Florida CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  33 credit hours every three years

Specialty Requirements: 

  • Legal ethics, professionalism, bias elimiation, substance abuse, or mental illness awareness: 5 hours
    • At least 1 hour of 5 in professionalism
  • Technology: 3 hours

Attendance Reporting:  Attorneys report their own credits by logging in to the Florida Bar website.

Notes:  Florida attorneys are assigned compliance periods and deadlines upon admission.  For more information on your deadline please contact the Florida State Bar.


Contact Information:

Legal Specialization & CLE
The Florida Bar
650 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
(t) 850-561-5600



Georgia CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 1 hours
  • Professionalism: 1 hour
  • Trial (only for trial attorneys): 3 hours

A maximum of 12 credits, including 6 distance-learning CLE, 2 ethics credits, 2 professionalism credits, and 3 trials credits, may be carried over to the next reporting period.

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Deadline:  January 31 of the following year

Notes: Attorneys are limited to 6 distance-learning, or “in-house,” hours per year.

Contact Information:

GA Commission of Continuing Lawyer Competency
50 Hurt Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303
(t) 404-527-8700
(f) 404-527-8717



Hawaii CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  3 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics or professional responsbility: 1 hour at least every 3 years

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Contact Information:

Alakea Corporate Tower
1100 Alakea Street, Suite 1000
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(t) 808-537-1868
(f) 808-521-7936



Idaho CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  30 credit hours every three years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal ethics or professional responsbility: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every three years

Reporting Date:  February 1 of the following year

Notes:  Compliance periods and deadlines are assigned upon admission.


Contact Information:

Idaho State Bar
525 W. Jefferson
Boise, ID 83702
(t) 208-334-4500
(f) 208-334-4515



Illinois CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  30 credits every two years

Specialty Requirements: 

  •  Professional reponsbility: 6 hours
    • Diversity and inclusion: 1 hour
    • Mental health and substance abuse: 1 hour

CLE Deadline:  June 30 every two years

Reporting Date:  July 31 of reporting year

Compliance Groups: 

  • Last names A-M: even-numbered years
  • Last names N-Z: odd-numbered years

Notes:  A maximum of 10 credits, includion professional responsbility, may be carried over to the next reporting period.


Contact Information:

The MCLE Board of the Supreme Court of Illinois
200 West Madison Street
Suite 900
Chicago, Illinois 60606
(t) 312-924-2420



Indiana CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  36 credit hours every 3 years, a minimum of 6 hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every three years

Reporting Date:  December 31 of the reporting year

Notes: Compliance period deadlines are assigned upon admission.

Contact Information:

Indiana Commission for CLE
115 West Washington Street
Suite 1065, South Tower
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3417
(t) 317-232-1943
(f) 317-233-1442



Iowa CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 3 hours every 2 years

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  March 10 of the following year

Notes:  Any excess credits may be carried over for up to 2 years.

Contact Information:

Commission on CLE
State Capital
Des Moines, IA 50319
(t) 515-697-7874



Kansas CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 of each year

Reporting Date:  July 31 of each year


Contact Information:

Kansas CLE Commission
400 S. Kansas Avenue, Suite 202
Topeka, KS 66603
(t) 785-357-6510



Kentucky CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 of each year

Reporting Date:  August 10 of each year

Notes:  A maximum of 2 live credit hours, including 4 ethics hours, may be carried over to the next reporting period. Non-live technologically transmitted credit may not be carried over.


Contact Information:

Kentucky Bar Association
514 W. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601-1883
(t) 502-564-3795



Louisiana CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12.5 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 1 hour
  • Professionalism: 1 hour

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Contact Information:

LA State Bar Association
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130
(t) 800-421-5722
(f) 504-528-9154



Maine CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  11 credits every year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 1 hour
  • Harassment and discrimination: 1 live, in-person hour every year

CLE Deadline:  August 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  August 31 of each year

Contact Information:

Board of Overseers of the Bar
PO Box 527
Augusta, ME 14332
Phone: (207) 622-7554
Fax: (207) 623-4175



Maryland CLE Requirements

Does not currently require MCLE.



Massachusetts CLE Requirements

Does not currently require MCLE.



Michigan CLE Requirements

Does not currently require MCLE.



Minnesota CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  45 credit hours every 3 years

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 3 hours
  • Elimination of bias: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 every 3 years

Reporting Date:  August 31 of reporting year

Contact Information:

Minnesota State Board of CLE
25 Constitution Avenue, Suite 110
St. Paul, MN 55155
(t) 651-297-7100
(f) 651-296-5866



Mississippi CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal ethics, professional responsbility, professionalism, malpractice prevention, substance abuse or mental health: 1 hour

CLE Deadline:  July 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  August 15 of each year

Notes:  Attorneys must submit a written report to the Mississippi CLE Commission by August 15th each year verifying completion of their requirements.

Contact Information:

Mississippi Commission on CLE
656 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39202
(t) 601-576-4622
(f) 601-576-4733



Missouri CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Professionalism, substance abuse and mental health, ethics or malpractice prevention: 2 hours
  • Cultural competency, diversity, inclusion and implicit biase: 1 live credit

CLE Deadline:  June 30 of each year

Reporting Date:  July 31 of each year

Notes:  Attorneys must report credits earned on their Annual Report of Compliance (Form 1), which must be mailed to the Missouri Bar MCLE department by July 31st of every year.

Contact Information:

The Missouri Bar
326 Monroe Street
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(t) 573-635-4128
(f) 573-635-2811



Montana CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics and/or professionalism: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  Mar 31 of yeach year

Reporting Date:  May 15 of each year

Contact Information:

MCLE Administrator
46 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 2A
Helena, MT 59624
(t) 406-442-7660
(f) 406-442-7763



Nebraska CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  10 credits per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 credits per year

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  January 20 of the following year

Contact Information:

1445 K Street
1213 State Capitol
P.O. Box 98910
Lincoln, NE 68509
(t) 402-471-3137



Nevada CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  13 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours
  • Substance abuse, addictive disorders, and/or mental health: 1 hour

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  March 1 of the following year

Contact Information:

Board of CLE
295 Holcomb Avenue, Suite A
Reno, NV 89502
(t) 775-329-4443
(f) 775-329-4291



New Hampshire CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours every year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics/professionalism: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 of each year

Reporting Date:  July 1 of each year

Contact Information:

2 Pillsbury St., Ste. 300
Concord, NH 03301
(t) 603-224-6942
(f) 603-224-2910



New Jersey CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  24 credit hours every 2 years

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 4 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of every other year

Reporting Date:  December 31 of reporting year

Reporting Date Rule

  • Compliance Group 1: birthdays during January 1 – June 30, report every even numbered years. 
  • Compliance Group 2: birthdays during July 1 – December 31, report every odd numbered years.

Contact Information:

Supreme Court of New Jersey Board on Continuing Legal Education
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
25 Market Street, 8th Floor, North Wing
Trenton, NJ 08625-0965
(t) 609-633-9733



New Mexico CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics/Professionalism:  2 hours 

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of each year

Reporting Date:  December 31 of each year

Notes:  Attorneys may report credits earned on by submitting a Certificate of Attendance by December 31st. The credit will then appear on the attorney's year-end Annual Report. 8 credits must be from live courses.


Contact Information:

New Mexico MCLE
PO Box 93070. 
Albuquerque, NM 87199 
(t) 505-821-1980
(f) 505-821-0220



New York CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  24 credit hours every two years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 4 hours
  • Diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias: 1 hour

Reporting Date:  Within 30 days after attorney's birthday in alternate years

Notes:  Attorneys must retain proof of compliance for four years and verify on their biennial registration statement that they are in compliance with New York's CLE rules.


Contact Information:

25 Beaver Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10004
(t) 212-428-2105



North Carolina CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 2 hours
  • Substance Abuse: 1 hour every 3 years

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every year

Reporting Date:  February 28 of following year

Contact Information:

North Carolina Bar
P.O. Box 26148
Raleigh, NC 27611
(t) 919-733-0123
(f) 919-821-9168



North Dakota CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  45 credit hours every three years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 every 3 years

Reporting Date:  July 30 of reporting year

Contact Information:

North Dakota CLE Commission
PO Box 2136
Bismark, ND 58502
Phone: (701)255-1404
Fax: (701)224-1621



Ohio CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  24 credit hours every 2 years

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics, Professionalism, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, Mental Health, or Access to Justice: 2.5 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 in alternate years 

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Reporting Date Rule: 

  • Last name A-L: Odd years
  • Last name M-Z: Even years

Contact Information:

Commission on CLE
30 E. Broad Street, 35th Fl.
Columbus, OH 43266-0419
(t) 614-387-9325
(f) 614-387-9329



Oklahoma CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 1 hour

CLE Deadline:  December 31, 2018

Reporting Date:  February 15, 2019

Contact Information:

Oklahoma Bar Association
1901 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
(t) 405-524-2365/416-7009
(f) 405-416-7001



Oregon CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  45 credit hours every three years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 5 hours
  • Child Abuse Reporting Obligations: 1 hours every other reporting period
  • Elder Abuse Reporting Obligations: 1 hours every other reporting period
  • Access to Justice: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every three years

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Contact Information:

Oregon State Bar
5200 SW Meadows Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
(t) (503) 431-6413
(f) 503-684-1366



Pennsylvania CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hour

Reporting Date Rule

  • Group 1: April 30 every year
  • Group 2: August 31 every year
  • Group 3: December 31 every year

Contact Information:

PA CLE Board
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 3400 PO Box 62495
Harrisburg, PA 17106



Rhode Island CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  10 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 every year

Reporting Date:  June 30 every year

Contact Information:

MCLE Commission
John E. Fogarty Judicial Annex
24 Weybosset Street, 3rd Floor
Providence, RI 02903
(t) (401) 421-5740
(f) 401-222-4302



South Carolina CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  14 credit hours every year

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 2 hours
  • At least once every 3 annual reporting periods, 1 of these 2 ethics credits must be devoted to instruction in substance abuse or mental health issues and the legal profession.

CLE Deadline:  February 28 every year

Reporting Date:  March 1 every year

Contact Information:

Commission on CLE & Specialization
PO Box 2138
Columbia, SC 29202
(t) 803-799-5578



South Dakota CLE Requirements

Does not currently require MCLE.



Tennessee CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every year

Reporting Date:  March 31 of the following year

Contact Information:

Tennessee Commission on CLE & Specialization
221 Fourth Avenue North
Suite 300 Nashville, TN 37219



Texas Board of Legal Specialization CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  100 credits every 5 years

Specialty Requirements

  • Limited to only 30 credits per year

CLE Deadline:  December 31 of every year

Reporting Date:  December 31 of every year


Contact Information:

Texas Board of Legal Specialization
505 E. Huntland Dr., Ste. 400, LB 28
Austin, Texas 78752


Texas CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours per year

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 3 hours

Reporting Date Rule:  Deadline is the last day of the attorney's birth month.

Notes:  Attorneys can report their credits on MyBarPage.


Contact Information:

State Bar of Texas
1414 Colorado, Suite 503
Austin, TX 78701
512-463-1463 x 2106



Utah CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  24 credit hours every two years

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours
  • Professionalism: 1 hour

CLE Deadline:  June 30 alternate years

Reporting Date:  July 31 of reporting year

Contact Information:

Utah Law & Justice Center
645 S. 200 East, Suite 312
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3834
(t) 801-297-7035
(f) 801-531-0660



Vermont CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  20 credit hours every two years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 in alternate years

Reporting Date:  July 1 of reporting year

Contact Information:

MCLE Board
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0702
(t) 802-828-3281
(f) 802-828-3457



Virgin Islands CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours every year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every year

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Notes:  Attorneys are required to submit all certificates of completion to the Virgin Islands Bar Association.

Contact Information:

Virgin Islands Bar Association
2155 King Cross Street, Suite 2
Christiansted, VI 00820
(t) 340-778-7497
(f) 340-773-5060



Virginia CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  12 credit hours per year, including 4 credits completed live (in-person or webcast)

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  October 31 every year

Reporting Date:  December 15 every year

Notes:  Attorneys may report their own credits online on the Virginia State Bar website.


Contact Information:

Virginia State Bar

1111 East Main Street

Suite 700, Richmond
(t) 804-775-0578
(f) 804-775-0501



Washington CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  45 credit hours

Specialty Requirements

  • Law and Legal Procedure: 15 hours
  • Ethics: 6 hours
  • Other: 24 credits

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every 3 years

Reporting Date:  February 1 of the following year

Contact Information:

WA State Board of CLE
2101 Fourth Avenue, 4th Floor
Seattle, WA 98121-2330
Washington CLE Rules



West Virginia CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  24 credit hours every two years

Specialty Requirements

  • Legal ethics, office managment, substance abuse, and/or elimination of bias in the legal profession: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  June 30 in even years

Reporting Date:  July 31 in even years

Contact Information:

WV MCLE Commission
2006 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25311-2204
(t) 304-553-7220
(f) 304-558-2467



Wisconsin CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  30 credit hours every 2 years

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 3 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 in alternate years

Reporting Date:  February 1 of the following year

Contact Information:

Board of Examiners
Lenney Bldg.
110 E. Main Street, Suite 715
Madison, WI 53703-3328
(t) 608-266-9760
(f) 608-266-1196



Wyoming CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements:  15 credit hours every year

Specialty Requirements

  • Ethics: 2 hours

CLE Deadline:  December 31 every year

Reporting Date:  January 31 of the following year

Contact Information:

Continuing Legal Education
State Bar Association
4124 Laramie Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(t) 307-632-9061