Strategies for Combatting Stress
Lawyers experience elevated levels of mental health issues, with many lawyers reporting anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and problem drinking. As the legal profession is coming to terms with this crisis, lawyers and legal employers are exploring ways to build a better profession and improve lawyer well-being. One key practice, Professor Nathalie Martin of the University of New Mexico School of Law explains, is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment. Studies have shown that regular mindfulness training has measurable physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. For lawyers, mindfulness can help with stress management, increase emotional intelligence, and improve conflict resolution skills. In this interview, Professor Martin explores the factors that contribute to higher levels of stress and mental health issues in the legal profession and offers tips to incorporate mindfulness into lawyers' daily lives.
Watch Part 1 of A Mindful Practice.
Prevalence of problem drinking, substance abuse, and mental health concerns among lawyers